
Housing Options & Update

Hello everyone! So, I disappeared. As you probably may have noticed, it's been quite a while since I've posted. A large part of that is due to what we'll talk about today...Housing Options! After I was accepted to the program and chose my arrival date (May 12th, 2014), I had about a month to find a place to live for my boyfriend and I. Without being in the state and being on a tight budget, this proved to be much more difficult than I had anticipated (and way more troubling than it was last time!!). Literally, the week before I arrived, I found a place. All at the same time, I still had to do work for my classes, prepare for driving across the country, and say my goodbyes to everyone back home. So, needless to say, I have been a little preoccupied and I sincerely apologize for dropping off of the face of the Earth. The good news is, I'm back, and I have a LOT to share with you guys!

Where you live during your College Program is something that many CP's worry about before arriving. What location will you live at? Who will your roommates be? What should you pack? After all, these people will be your new family and this place will be your new home. So you should put a good amount of thought into it! As you might already know, there are five different housing options for CP's. These five locations are: Vista Way, Patterson Court, Chatham Square, The Commons, and Off-Site.

You have the ability to choose roommates ahead of time or to be placed with them on arrival. If I had stayed in the housing, I think I would have chosen that first option, because I'm not a fan of surprises myself. You can do this by searching for groups on Facebook and looking for people that have similar living styles to your own. Lots of people post surveys and it's truly a great and useful resource! Keep in mind that all housing is separated between those who are 21+ and those who are not, so don't expect to use your "of-age" roommate for booze.

Living in Disney housing has its pros and cons, for sure. Laundry is communal and you have to pay to use the machines, as well as bring your own detergent and such. There are occasional inspections for cleanliness and from what I've heard, they can be fairly brutal and stressful due to messy roommates and/or a busy work schedule. On the other hand, if you pass with flying colors, I've heard a cookie-filled reward may be waiting for you (; There are strict rules regarding alcohol and overnight guests as well, which if violated, will end in termination.

I'll be honest in saying that I don't know much about the housing complexes. They all have their own reputations, but ultimately, I don't think anyone ever despises their living situations simply because of the complex they live in. You won't be there often, and if you take the time to choose roommates (and sometimes even when you don't), you'll be okay! Here are some prices from the Disney website about housing costs. Keep in mind that these come directly out of your paycheck and you'll take home the leftovers.

Chatham Square
$87 - $114
1BR, 2BR, 3BR, 4BR

The Commons
$91 - $118
1BR, 2BR, 3B$, 4BR

Patterson Court
$89 - $114
1BR, 2BR, 3BR

Vista Way
$98 - $107
2BR, 3BR

If there are any questions or other experiences you'd like to hear about, let me know! My next post will be an in-depth explanation of Off-Site Housing.

Until Next Time!