
The Web-Based Interview

Hello again!

So you got past the application, and now Disney has sent you a link to their web-based interview (shown above). You have three days to take the web-based interview. There are two parts: one is multiple choice and the other is a scale rating of different statements. The scale rating questions ask you how strongly a statement describes you, whether or not you agree or disagree with a statement, and how excited or worried you are for different components of the college program. On certain portions, you are timed, and on others you are not. I believe that the first section allows 50 seconds per question and the last portion allows 20 seconds per question. Disney advises that you allow 40 minutes for this interview, although it only took me about 15 minutes. I really think it depends on how long you process and read the questions. I promise that it isn't as nerve wracking as it sounds!

The WBI (as we call it around the internet) is similar to questions you often see on a regular job application. I'm sure you could find some practice questions online. Here are a few that I came across:

Have you ever lived in a residence hall?
Which option sounds best for a roommate?
Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?
Do negative people bother you?
Are you always on time?
Do you enjoy helping others?
How is your energy level?
How well do you work alone vs. with others?
What pace do you prefer work at?
Are you excited for the hours you'll work?
Are you excited for moving to a completely new area?
Do you get work done faster than average?

They will also rephrase questions such as:
I am a perfectionist.
I don't expect myself to be perfect.
I am always on time.
I am often late.
So look out for those and be aware of your previous answers. Try not to contradict yourself! If you feel something describes you, select strongly agree, not just agree. Selecting agree says that you had a reason that slightly contradicted agreeing with the statement, or that you only kind of agree with the statement.
There shouldn't be a reason to lie on these interview questions, but I would strongly advise comparing your work ethic with the standard that Disney holds its employees to. If you are always late, don't get along well with others, and need breaks often, the job may not be a match for you. But hopefully, your needs and Disney's align! 

After you answer the very last question, Disney will let you know whether or not you appear to be what they are looking for in a Cast Member! If you do, they will send you yet another email so that you may schedule your next step: The Phone Interview. 

In the words of my former boss,
See ya real soon!

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